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Sourdough Brioche Cardamon Buns

Updated: Feb 2, 2023

Even though I already have my favorite sourdough brioche recipe, I wanted to try a new recipe and method when I came across the Sourdough Laminated Brioche Rolls recipe from I changed the rolls to cardamon buns and they were amazing, forget about the yeast version this one is the winner.


Stiff Starter (Levain)

60 grams ( ½ cup) Bread Flour

30 grams (2 tbsps) Water

30 grams (2 tbsps) Sourdough Starter

Bread Baker's Percentages

400 grams (3 ¼) Bread Flour 100%

100 grams (⅜ cups) Milk 25%

200 grams (4 Large) Eggs 50%

65 grams (⅓ cup) Sugar 16%

120 grams (½ Cup) Stiff Starter 30%

160 grams ( ⅔ cups) Butter at room temperature 40%

8 grams (1 ½ tsp) Salt 2%


113 grams ( ½ cup) Butter at room temperature

100 grams ( ½ cup) Brown Sugar

8 grams (1 tbsp) Ground Cardamon


Egg wash, 1 egg with a tbsp water

Pearl sugar or cardamon sugar( granulated sugar mixed with ground cardamon)


Make the Dough

  1. To start this recipe make a stiff sourdough starter or levain. Using a silicone spatula mix the water with the sourdough starter until the starter dissolves well in the water. Add the bread flour and knead until all the ingredients are well incorporated in the dough. Then place it in a jar, cover with a lid and place a rubber band around it to mark the level of your starter. Let it rest in a warm place for about at least 4 hours or until it doubles in size.

  2. In a stand mixer pour the milk, add the eggs at room temperature, sugar and all of the stiff starter that you previously prepared. Place the hook attachment on your stand mixer and start mixing all the ingredients until the sourdough starter starts to dissolve. As you keep mixing, start adding the bread flour little by little. Keep kneading all the ingredients until the dough starts to pull off the walls of the bowl. At this point cover the dough with plastic wrap or a plastic lid and let it rest on the counter for about 30 minutes. You can skip this step but since this dough has a high content of fat I prefer to let it rest so the gluten develops before I start adding the butter. That will help you knead the dough easier later.

  3. After 30 minutes put the hook attachment back on the stand mixer and start adding little by little the butter at room temperature cut in small pieces. Add the salt as you keep mixing the butter in the dough. Finish adding the remaining butter and keep kneading for about 20 minutes or until the dough pulls off the walls of the bowl. The dough should be very elastic at this point, so I like to finish kneading it by hand. I stretch and fold the dough by hand for about 5 min until it is ready, shiny, elastic and has a good consistency. Once ready place the dough in a greased bowl, cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it rest for a couple of hours. After 2 hours place the dough in the fridge overnight.

  4. The next morning take the dough out of the fridge and divide it in half. Stretch the dough with a rolling pin until you have a large rectangle of about 18 by 12 inches.

Make the filling:

In the small bowl mix all the filling together by hand until combined.

Line two 13-by-18-inch baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone mats.

Assemble the Buns and Bake

  1. Dot the surface of the dough with mounds of the filling. Using an offset spatula, gently spread the filling all over the surface of the dough.

  2. With the long side of the dough facing you, fold the right third of the dough down over the middle third of the dough, then fold the left third up to cover the remaining dough.

  3. Rotate the dough, go over the dough with the rolling pin a couple of times, horizontally, to flatten the edges, and stretch it a few more inches before cutting and shaping. You want a 18-by-10-inch rectangle (the longer side will be facing you). If any filling oozes out, use your offset spatula to remove it so your workstation doesn’t get sticky.

  4. Using the pizza cutter, cut the dough vertically into 12 1 1/2-by-10-inch-long strips. Cut each strip into half but leave 1" at the top. Starting from the top that the dough still connected, gently twist the two strands together then roll around your fingers to create the bun shape, tog the end underneath.

  5. Place each bun on the prepared baking sheets. Leave them to proof at room temperature, covered, for about 2 hour.s

  6. Meanwhile, heat oven to 425 degrees.

  7. Finish the buns: In a small bowl, using a fork or whisk, beat the egg together with 1 tablespoon water until well combined and frothy.

  8. Lightly brush each bun with the egg wash, and sprinkle the tops of the buns with pearl sugar or cardamom sugar.

  9. Bake for 10 minutes, then lower temperature to 375 degrees and continue baking for an additional 10 minutes. The surface of the buns should be golden brown.

  10. Let the buns cool for 10 minutes before eating.


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