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New Year, Let the Celebration Continue.

There was a lot going on in January and early February this year. Chinese new year came early on January 22nd marked the year of the Rabbit. We f celebrated the Rabbit year by cooking a lot of Chinese dishes. David made a few different kind of noodle dishes, I made dumplings, hot and sour soup and egg rolls. Also tried some new bread recipes: sourdough brioche buns, sweet potatoes sandwich bread and potato and rosemary sourdough bread, they all came out amazing. The weather was up and down some days freezing cold, some days were spring like. I felt like I had been eating too much carbs and running not as long as I would like to.The thing I noticed while running was how crowded the streets were. Restaurants around my neighborhood were doing well, I guess that's the good thing.

I got these beautiful illustrations from

Sarah had two ski races this year, it was supposed to be three but had to cancel due to warm weather. David, Dawit and Sarah went to Gore mountain for Sarah's race while I stayed in the city making dumplings and egg rolls with Kurt and went out for brunch with Jen, Esther and Kurt.

David's ski coach, Jim and his wife invited us to the 15th annual Steaks and Martini party with a Speakeasy theme this year. It was held at the Wintergreen Club at Windham Mountain. It was a lot of fun. We brought some wines and I made sourdough dinner rolls to bring to the party. The party happened to be on the coldest day of this year. While I was freezing in my dress, lucky David and Dawit with long sleeves shirts and pants plus hats were warm. We can't wait for next years party, I suggested a disco theme, let's see.

Sarah finished her three week J-term (held in January and June) at school with a bang! She and Jacob won two awards for the creation of their movie about social medias from the topic "A Brave New World". They won best editing and best picture, we are very proud of her.

I celebrated my birthday a few days early with Dawit and Kurt at Isabelle's Osteria I picked this restaurant mainly because of delicious fried calamari. On the 13th I made myself a cake, Opera Torte that came out surprisingly amazing and perfect for the birthday celebration. David said that it's his second favorite with rainbow cake as his number 1. I also made sourdough donuts and chicken empanadas. I requested that David make one of my favorite dishes, seafood paella with squid and shrimp. I made some Valentine's sugar cookies for Sarah to share with friends.

The weather in NYC is very warm this week and I am loving it!



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