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Halloween to Thanksgiving

A lot happening between Halloween and Thanksgiving this year. For Halloween, Sarah did an amazing job on her makeup and Leo's, simple and more mature. We loved it!

We celebrated Kurt's birthday a few days before NYC marathon weekend. David, Dawit and I ran the Abbott 5K race the day before NYC marathon just to test our outfits since it was going to be a very warm marathon day. Dawit and I ran the marathon on the hottest day in the history of NYC marathon. It was brutal, so much to drink to stay hydrated and I was out of gas and exhausted by the time I got to Manhattan. Dawit did really well in the heat and did his PR that day. For me it was the opposite, I made the worst time in my marathon history. I was happy I made it to the end, met Alex around mile 22 and we got to cross the finish line together and that was nice because last year we started together.

Weekend after NYC marathon, Alex, Senina and Victoria came to visit us in Bloomville. David smoked and grilled some ribs and they were amazing as always. We all had a great time hiking in the woods and enjoyed the cool weather and the peaceful nature.

David didn't get to run NYC marathon this year but two weeks later, he and Dawit ran the Philadelphia marathon on the coldest day in 14 years of Philly marathon history. I felt bad I missed it, I prefer running in the cold to the heat but glad to see David made his PR in this one in 3:23:06 hours. Bravo!!!!

We went to Florida for Thanksgiving as usual, the weather was very hot 85F on thanksgiving day. It was nice to see David's family and Robert who's now lives in Tampa. We did a lot of food shopping and prep work before Thanksgiving day. I made a lemon blueberry cake, guacamole, fried green beans and bean salad. David's mom, Elaine made sweet and sour meatballs and delicious sugar cookies. Shane brought smoked wild boar that he hunted himself, it was the first time I had wild boar meat, it was outrageously delicious. David made boneless turkey with rosemary sourdough bread stuffing inside, gravy, BBQ red pork, white sweet potato with marshmallows on top, chopped liver. We also had shrimp cocktail, sangria, cocktails, wine and cheese before the thanksgiving feast. We traveled back on Friday afternoon so we could have the weekend upstate.



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