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End of Summer to the Fall

After our Thailand trip time just flew by. Before I had time to post another blog it's already after Thanksgiving. Sarah had a halftime dance at the New York Liberty game with PMT House of Dance. We had good seats to see the game, it was better than we expected. The game was great and the New York team won. Kurt and Sarah had an appearance on the jumbotron.

30 Years Anniversary

August 29th, 2023 marked our 30 year anniversary. We went out for a run that day passed the place we got married 30 years ago, it used to be St. Moritz Hotel but it is now a residential building. Dawit took us to a new Apotheke NoMad bar and the Lobby Lounge at the Ritz hotel nearby.

Labor day weekend

Mike and Tara hosted the BBQ at the lake. They came with their campers and we had so much fun with a pig roast, great food, and great company.

Tunnel to Towers 5K Run

We participated in the Tunnel to Towers 5K run/walk this year on September 24th.

This is from website:

"The event symbolizes Stephen Siller’s final footsteps from the foot of the Battery Tunnel to the Twin Towers and pays homage to the 343 FDNY firefighters, law enforcement officers, and thousands of civilians who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. "

It was raining hard that morning but we already planned to run and we didn't let the cold windy rainy day affected us. David, Dawit and I got into the first group of runners, Kurt was in the walker group behind. We had a great time once the run started, short distance and food and music at the end in Battery park area.

Affordable Art Fair

After the 5K run we went to the Affordable art fair at the Metropolitan Pavilion and we were impressed by the quality of the art represented this year.

The Fall and NYC Marathon

The fall came quick and also the NYC marathon. David, Dawit and I ran the marathon this year. It was Dawit's best year and my worst but we all finished and we were glad the training and many long runs in the summer heat was over. The weather was very warm on the marathon day but it was still a very memorable experience.

Visiting guests

Ying and Rubin came to visit us for their honeymoon. It was nice seeing Ying and her husband. They got to see most of the NYC attractions and we hope to see them next summer when we go to California.

Kurt's Birthday Celebration

Kurt had his 65th birthday celebration at OM Indian restaurant , the food was really good and we had a great time seeing Kurt,Dawit, friends and family.

Thanksgiving in Florida

Thanksgiving came quick this year, it didn't feel like the end of November. The weather turned cold very quickly in NYC but it was nice and warm in Florida. We made a lot of food and we had a great time with David's family.

It has been a busy time from September into November, time flied!

Let's end with my running/walking album, beautiful scenery and cool fall weather. From running around NYC, Central park, running to the bakery in New Jersey across the GW bridge and walking upstate.



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