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City and Country Holiday Celebration

Hanukkah in 2022 was from the evening of December 18th to the evening of December 26th, to celebrate we had a dinner party on Tuesday December 20th at our place in the city. David made delicious crispy potato latkes and soft and tender brisket, I made sourdough chocolate babka for the first time and it came out so moist and chocolatey. We invited Dawit and Kurt, Fang Tao's family (Fang Tao, Hal and Sophie), Alex and Victoria. It was such a nice low key get together that we think we will do this every year. Sophie lit the candles and Hal said the prayer. What a wonderful evening!

Sarah had two weeks winter break and we spent the first week in the city and the second week upstate. Sarah and David went skiing for the first time this season. The weather was very cold with a lot of snow but by the middle of the week just before New Year's Eve the temperature rose to the mid 40's.

On the 24th and the 25th to celebrate the end of Hanukkah and Christmas day, David made Risotto. He used Shitake mushrooms and fresh cheese with truffle flakes and his homemade roasted chicken soup. It was so amazing, he needs to make it again sometime soon. The next day he made my favorite dish Duck Confit with bok choy and steamed rice buns.

Sarah and David skied from -4F on the 22nd to 47F on the 30th.

The temperature switched from -4F to 45F by the time we left on January 1st.

Dawit and I went out for a 10K run in an ice skating rink path, we ate so much and really need this run.

We had Mike and Tara's family ( Mike, Tara, Kristin, Katheryn and Kyle), Glenn, Evelyn and Dawit for in between Christmas and New Year dinner to catch up and celebrate the spirit of the holiday. David made Devil Eggs, Red Pork and Roast Beef. Dawit made guacamole and arranged all the beautiful cheese and snacks plates, I made Thai glass noodle salad, brown butter chocolate chips cookies, soft dinner rolls and black forest cake.

We ended the year with our regular New Year's Eve dish, pasta with lobsters and shrimp cocktail. What a year! Goodbye 2022 and welcome 2023, we're ready to face whatever challenges that come our way with positivity, maintain good health and happiness.



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